Ever find yourself stuck deciding between a PowerPoint designer and a graphic designer? You’re not alone. It can be confusing trying to figu...

PowerPoint Designer vs Graphic Designer

Ever find yourself stuck deciding between a PowerPoint designer and a graphic designer? You’re not alone. It can be confusing trying to figure out which one you need for a project.


Here’s the deal: both PowerPoint designers and graphic designers have specific skills, but they aren’t the same. Knowing when to hire a PowerPoint specialist versus a general graphic designer can save you time, money, and plenty of headaches.


Let’s break it down.


What Does a PowerPoint Designer Do?

A PowerPoint designer focuses entirely on creating presentations that not only look good but also communicate ideas clearly. They know the ins and outs of Microsoft PowerPoint, from design layouts to transitions and animations. But that’s not where their job ends.


  • Visual Storytelling: PowerPoint specialists make sure your slides flow well and tell a story.
  • Slide Layouts: They understand how to arrange content so it’s easy to follow.
  • Formatting for Consistency: Ever seen a slide deck where every slide looks different? A PowerPoint designer prevents that mess by maintaining a consistent look throughout your presentation.
  • Animation and Transitions: These pros know when to add subtle animations that help get your point across without overwhelming the audience.
  • Audience Focused: They can design slides based on who’s watching—whether it’s for a corporate meeting or a startup pitch.


A PowerPoint designer is like a chef who knows exactly how to plate a dish, making sure everything looks appetizing and easy to digest.


What Does a Graphic Designer Do?

Now, a graphic designer has a much broader skill set. These creatives work with all sorts of visual projects, from logos and websites to packaging and social media graphics. They’ve got a deep understanding of design principles and are pros at using tools like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.


Here’s what a graphic designer typically handles:


  • Logos and Branding: They create visual identities for companies, from logos to color schemes.
  • Marketing Materials: Flyers, brochures, business cards—you name it.
  • Web Design: While they may not code, they design the visual elements of a website.
  • Illustrations and Digital Art: Graphic designers also create custom artwork or icons for digital and print use.
  • Print and Digital Layouts: Magazines, posters, or digital ads? They’ve got it covered.


Think of a graphic designer like an architect. They have the blueprint to design just about anything that requires visual creativity.


PowerPoint Designer vs Graphic Designer: The Key Differences

Here’s where things get interesting. Both designers are creative, but the type of work they excel at is different. Let’s compare.


1. Tools and Platforms


  • PowerPoint Designers: Master PowerPoint, know all its features, and understand how to build presentations that work across devices.
  • Graphic Designers: Use a wide range of design software (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) but might not be as familiar with PowerPoint's specific functions.


2. Design Focus


  • PowerPoint Designers: Focus strictly on presentations. They’re not about creating logos or marketing materials—they’re all about making presentations pop.
  • Graphic Designers: Handle broader design work. They may not specialize in PowerPoint, and they tend to approach presentations differently—more as static designs rather than interactive slides.


3. Level of Specialization


  • PowerPoint Designers: Deeply specialized. They understand the nuances of storytelling through slides and can transform dry data into engaging content.
  • Graphic Designers: More versatile. They can tackle a wide variety of projects but may not have the depth of experience in PowerPoint that a specialist would.


4. Cost


Typically, a PowerPoint designer might be more affordable for presentation-specific work. On the other hand, graphic designers charge for their wider skill set, which can bump up the price for a PowerPoint presentation that requires extra effort.


When to Hire a PowerPoint Designer

So, when should you go for a PowerPoint specialist? If your project involves creating a presentation that needs to impress an audience or clearly communicate a message, then a PowerPoint designer is your go-to.


Here are some situations where hiring a PowerPoint designer makes sense:


  • Corporate Presentations: Got an important meeting coming up? You don’t want to show up with sloppy slides. A PowerPoint designer can make your data look polished and professional.
  • Investor Pitches: When you’re trying to secure funding, your slides need to tell a clear, engaging story. A PowerPoint designer will make sure your message hits home.
  • Webinars: Running a webinar? Your slides are a big part of keeping people engaged. A PowerPoint designer can build presentations that keep viewers interested and help you stand out.


When to Hire a Graphic Designer

On the flip side, there are times when hiring a general graphic designer makes more sense.


If your project isn’t just about presentations but involves branding, digital marketing, or creating visuals for various formats, then a graphic designer is a better fit.


Here’s when to call a graphic designer:


  • Rebranding Your Business: Need new logos, color schemes, or a fresh look for your website? A graphic designer can create a whole new brand identity.
  • Marketing Campaigns: If you need posters, banners, and social media graphics, a graphic designer can make your vision come to life.
  • Web and Print Projects: Whether it’s a new website layout or designing packaging for a product, graphic designers have the skills to handle these tasks.


My Personal Take: PowerPoint or Graphic Designer?

Let me tell you a quick story to illustrate this. I once needed help with a client presentation and figured a general graphic designer would be enough. Big mistake. The designer was great, don’t get me wrong—but they treated the slides like mini posters. The result? Beautiful, but totally impractical for what I needed—a presentation that flowed, not a bunch of cool-looking images.


I ended up hiring a PowerPoint designer after that to fix the flow. They understood the structure I was after and helped create a presentation that kept the audience’s attention from start to finish.


So, what’s the moral of the story? If you're strictly focused on presentations, hire a PowerPoint designer. But if you're looking for an entire branding overhaul or some marketing materials, go with a graphic designer.



1. Can a PowerPoint designer create logos or branding materials? They usually stick to presentations. For logos and branding, you’d want to hire a graphic designer.


2. Can a graphic designer design PowerPoint presentations? Yes, but they might not have the same level of expertise with PowerPoint's features, like animations or transitions. The presentation may end up looking more static.


3. Which is cheaper: a PowerPoint designer or a graphic designer? It depends on the project. PowerPoint designers tend to be more cost-effective for presentation-specific jobs, while graphic designers may charge more for their broader range of services.


4. How do I know which designer to hire? Think about your end goal. If you need a visually stunning presentation, go with a PowerPoint designer. If your project involves more than just presentations, like branding or marketing materials, hire a graphic designer.


5. What’s the advantage of hiring a PowerPoint designer over a graphic designer? A PowerPoint designer knows how to create presentations that flow and engage the audience. Graphic designers are more versatile but may not specialize in presentations.


Final Thoughts

Choosing between a PowerPoint designer and a graphic designer depends on the nature of your project. PowerPoint specialists are ideal when you need to create presentations that captivate and inform. On the other hand, a graphic designer covers a broader range of visual needs, making them the right choice for branding, marketing, and web projects.


Whichever you choose, knowing the difference helps you get the right person for the job. Hiring a PowerPoint designer versus a graphic designer can make or break how your message comes across.

Ever sit through a PowerPoint where the slides just didn’t make sense? We've all been there. It’s like someone threw a bunch of words an...

PowerPoint Presentation Mistakes to Avoid

Ever sit through a PowerPoint where the slides just didn’t make sense? We've all been there. It’s like someone threw a bunch of words and images on a screen and hoped for the best. PowerPoints are supposed to make things clearer, not confuse you. So, what are the biggest PowerPoint presentation mistakes that can ruin your slides?


Here’s the thing: it’s not rocket science. People tend to make the same mistakes over and over. I’ve seen it, and I’m sure you have too. Today, I’m going to walk you through some of the most common PowerPoint pitfalls, so you can dodge them like a pro.


Technology PowerPoint Template

1. Overloading Slides with Text

Raise your hand if you’ve ever crammed way too much text on a slide. We’ve all done it. You think, “The more info, the better, right?” Wrong. If your audience is reading a novel off your slide, they’re not listening to you.


How to avoid it:


  • Keep slides simple. A few key points per slide are more than enough.
  • Use bullet points to break things up (like I’m doing here).
  • Speak more than you write. Your slides should support your talk, not replace it.


Tip: Think of each slide as a visual aid, not a script. You want to keep the focus on you, not on reading the screen.


2. Bad Font Choices

I get it, fonts are fun. But not all fonts are created equal. Some are hard to read, and others just look unprofessional. Your slide could be packed with great info, but if no one can read it, what's the point?


Common mistakes:


  • Using tiny fonts that no one can read in the back of the room.
  • Going wild with decorative fonts that look like they belong on a birthday card.
  • Mixing too many fonts—it makes the slide feel chaotic.


How to avoid it:


  • Stick to clean, easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Helvetica.
  • Keep your font size at least 24pt for easy reading.
  • Don’t mix more than two fonts on one slide—consistency is key.


Example: I once sat through a presentation where the speaker used Comic Sans on every slide. Needless to say, I spent most of the time trying not to laugh.


3. Poor Color Choices

Ever seen a slide with bright yellow text on a white background? Yeah, no one can read that. Colors can make or break a slide, and poor choices can cause a headache.


How to avoid it:


  • Use high contrast between the background and text. Dark text on a light background works best.
  • Don’t use too many colors—two or three max. Keep it simple.
  • Avoid neon colors. They're a distraction, not an asset.


Tip: If you’re not sure, go with a white background and black text. You can’t go wrong with classic contrast.


4. Inconsistent Design

Nothing says “amateur” like inconsistent design. One slide has giant titles, the next has tiny ones. The colors don’t match. It’s jarring, and it distracts from your message.


How to avoid it:


  • Use PowerPoint’s built-in templates for consistency. They exist for a reason.
  • If you’re creating your own slides, make sure the fonts, colors, and layouts are the same across all slides.
  • Keep margins and spacing even. It’s a small thing, but it makes a big difference.


5. Too Many Transitions and Animations

Animations can be fun—until they’re overused. Then, they’re just annoying. If your text is bouncing onto the screen like a trampoline or spinning like a carnival ride, people will get distracted.


How to avoid it:


  • Use animations sparingly. A simple fade or slide is all you need.
  • Only use transitions if they actually add value. Most of the time, they don’t.


Tip: The best presentations use animations to highlight key points, not as a gimmick.


6. Cluttered Graphics

Pictures and charts can be powerful, but not if they overwhelm your audience. A slide with too many images or a complex chart is more confusing than helpful.


How to avoid it:


  • Stick to one main image or chart per slide.
  • Use visuals that clearly support your point.
  • Don’t use stock images just to fill space. If they don’t add value, they’re just noise.


Example: I once saw a slide with five charts on it. FIVE. By the time I figured out what one of them meant, the speaker had moved on. Don’t do that.


7. Forgetting Your Audience

Your slides should serve your audience, not your ego. If you’re presenting to a group of executives, they want quick, high-level insights—not a deep dive into every single detail.


How to avoid it:


  • Know who you’re talking to. Tailor your slides to their level of understanding.
  • Keep things relevant. Don’t include info just because it’s interesting to you.
  • Think about what they need to know, not what you want to say.


Tip: Always keep your audience in mind. If they’re not engaged, it doesn’t matter how pretty your slides are.


8. Reading Directly from Slides

This is a classic mistake. You put all your notes on the slides, and then you read them out loud. It’s a sure way to put your audience to sleep.


How to avoid it:


  • Use your slides as prompts, not a script. Know your content well enough to speak naturally.
  • Keep text minimal so you’re not tempted to read it word-for-word.
  • Practice your presentation so you don’t rely on the slides to guide you.


Tip: If your audience can read your slides and get the same info without you, then something’s wrong. You should add value, not just narrate.


9. Ignoring Time Limits

Time management is crucial in a presentation. You don’t want to rush through slides or leave out key points because you’re running out of time.


How to avoid it:


  • Practice timing your presentation. Know how long each section takes.
  • Cut out any non-essential slides if you’re running long.
  • Build in a buffer for questions or interruptions.


Example: I once saw a presentation where the speaker rushed through the last 10 slides in under a minute. No one remembered a thing. Timing is everything.


10. Lack of a Clear Message

At the end of the day, your presentation should have one clear message. If your audience walks away confused, then you haven’t done your job.


How to avoid it:


  • Define your main point before you even start creating slides.
  • Every slide should support that main point. If it doesn’t, cut it.
  • Summarize key takeaways at the end to drive home your message.


Tip: If you can’t explain your presentation’s main idea in one sentence, it’s too complicated.



1. How much text is too much text on a PowerPoint slide?

If you have more than five lines of text on a slide, it's probably too much. Aim for key points, not full sentences. Let your speech fill in the details.


2. Can I use fancy fonts on my slides?

You can, but I wouldn't. Stick to clean, easy-to-read fonts like Arial or Calibri. Save the fancy fonts for creative projects, not professional presentations.


3. How do I keep my slides engaging without going overboard with animations?

Use simple transitions and animations. A fade-in or slide effect works well. Anything beyond that becomes a distraction.


To wrap things up, PowerPoint presentations should be clean, clear, and to the point. Avoid these common pitfalls, and you’ll keep your audience engaged instead of yawning or zoning out. Remember: less is more, and clarity is everything. Keep your message sharp, and your slides will work for you, not against you.


There you have it: the most common PowerPoint presentation mistakes to avoid.

You’ve got a big presentation coming up. The pressure’s on, and you know that your slides need to be on point. But here’s the thing: designi...

How to Choose the Right PowerPoint Designer
You’ve got a big presentation coming up. The pressure’s on, and you know that your slides need to be on point. But here’s the thing: designing PowerPoint slides that actually look good and communicate your message? That’s a skill, and it might not be yours.


So, how do you find the right PowerPoint designer to help you nail it?


Here’s a guide to picking the best one based on what you need.


Technology PowerPoint Template

1. What Are You Really Looking For?

Before you even start Googling or asking for recommendations, pause for a second. What kind of presentation are you working on? Because the answer to that question shapes the kind of designer you need.


Think about it:


  • Is this a corporate presentation? Maybe you need something clean, professional, and brand-consistent.
  • Pitching a new idea? You might want someone who’s more creative, with an eye for storytelling.
  • Training materials? This could mean needing someone good at breaking down complex info in an easy-to-understand way.


Be clear on what you need before you start your search.


2. Experience: Does It Really Matter?

Experience matters. But don’t get caught up in thinking someone with 20 years in the game is automatically the best fit.


You want someone with the right experience, not just a long resume. Here’s what I mean:


  • Check their portfolio. Are they showcasing work similar to what you need? If you’re looking for corporate slides but their portfolio is full of playful, cartoonish designs, it might not be a match.
  • Look at reviews or testimonials. What are people saying about working with them? Did they deliver on time? Were they easy to work with?


Sometimes, a newer designer with fresh ideas might be a better fit for a creative project than a seasoned pro who sticks to one style.


3. Style: Does It Match Yours?

Here’s where things get fun. Every designer has their own style, and it’s important that it fits with what you’re going for.


Some designers are all about minimalism. Others love bold colors and big fonts. You’ve got to find someone whose style aligns with the tone of your presentation.


How to check their style:


  • Browse their portfolio. This is where designers show off what they’re good at. You’ll quickly see if their vibe matches yours.
  • Ask for a sample. If you’re unsure after seeing their work, ask them to mock up a quick slide for you. It’ll cost a bit more upfront, but it’s better than hiring someone who doesn’t get your vision.


4. Do They Get Your Industry?

Not all PowerPoint designers need to know the ins and outs of your business. But if you’re in a niche industry, it could help if they have experience designing for similar companies.


For example:

  • Tech companies might need designers who understand complex data visualization.
  • Non-profits could need someone with experience creating emotionally driven, story-based presentations.
  • Healthcare presentations often require designers who can simplify data while keeping everything professional.


While a great designer can adapt, it’s always easier when they’ve worked in your space before.


5. Communication: Are They Easy to Work With?

Good design isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about collaboration. The best PowerPoint designer for your project is someone who can take feedback, make revisions, and communicate clearly throughout the process.


Here’s what you need to keep in mind:


  • Do they ask the right questions? When you first reach out, are they trying to really understand your project? Or are they just throwing prices at you?
  • Do they have a process? Professional designers should have a clear workflow: initial concepts, revisions, final delivery. Ask them what their process looks like.
  • How fast do they respond? If it takes days to get a simple answer during the hiring process, that’s a red flag for later down the line.


6. Timeline: Can They Work Within Your Schedule?

Be upfront about deadlines from the start. Some designers are booked out weeks or even months in advance, while others can take on last-minute work.


When it comes to timelines, ask:


  • How long will the first draft take? You want to know if they can move fast enough for your needs.
  • How many revisions are included? This is key. You don’t want to be hit with extra charges because you needed a few tweaks.
  • Can they handle last-minute changes? Presentations can change, especially if you’re working with a team. You need a designer who’s flexible and can adapt if you need to make adjustments close to the deadline.


7. Budget: What Should You Expect?

PowerPoint designers can range from $50 to $500 per slide, depending on experience and complexity. It’s tempting to go for the cheapest option, but remember—you get what you pay for.


Cheap often means rushed work, templates, or little attention to detail.


When setting a budget, think about:


  • How important is this presentation? If this is for a major pitch or a big client, it’s worth investing more.
  • How complex is your presentation? The more animations, graphics, and custom slides you need, the higher the price.
  • What’s your timeline? Rush jobs often cost extra, so plan ahead if possible.


8. Red Flags to Watch Out For

Not every designer is going to be a fit. Here are a few red flags to look out for:


  • No portfolio or examples of past work. If they can’t show you anything they’ve done, that’s a major warning sign.
  • Lack of communication. If you’re chasing them down just to get basic info, it’ll probably be even worse once the project starts.
  • Too good to be true pricing. If someone’s offering to do a whole deck for way below market rate, they’re likely cutting corners somewhere.


FAQs: Picking the Right PowerPoint Designer

1. How much does a PowerPoint designer cost?

This depends on experience, style, and project scope. Expect anywhere from $50 to $500 per slide, with most projects ranging between $1,000 to $5,000 total.


2. What should I look for in a PowerPoint designer?

Look for someone with a strong portfolio, experience in your industry, and a style that matches your project. Communication and a clear process are also key.


3. Can a designer work with my existing slides?

Yes, most designers can take your rough slides and improve them. Just make sure to ask upfront if they offer this service.


4. How long does it take to design a presentation?

It varies. A simple deck might take a few days, while a more complex one with custom animations and graphics can take weeks. Always discuss timelines early.


5. Do I need a designer for every presentation?

Not always. If it’s a casual internal meeting, you might not need one. But for important pitches or big events, investing in a designer can make a big impact.



Choosing the right PowerPoint designer can make or break your next presentation. You need someone who fits your style, understands your goals, and can deliver on time. Keep an eye out for portfolios that align with your project, and don’t be afraid to ask for references or reviews.


When you find the right designer, it’ll feel like they just get what you’re going for. And trust me, that’s worth every penny.

Ever feel like the design of your PowerPoint slides is more like a snooze fest than something people actually want to look at? We’ve all bee...

PowerPoint Design

Ever feel like the design of your PowerPoint slides is more like a snooze fest than something people actually want to look at? We’ve all been there. You work hard on your content, but somehow your slides don’t match up. They’re either too crowded, too boring, or just plain hard to follow.


But here’s the thing: making a killer PowerPoint isn’t rocket science. It’s about following a few simple design tricks that turn average slides into attention-grabbers.


Let’s get into 5 hacks that will make your next presentation stand out — in a good way.


Technology PowerPoint Template

1. Use High-Quality Visuals (No Clipart, Please)

You’ve seen it: outdated clipart, pixelated images, and boring stock photos. They don’t just kill the vibe; they make you look unprofessional.


High-quality visuals are the game-changer here. They instantly boost the appeal of your slides and help tell your story better.


What kind of visuals?


  • Photos: Go for sharp, high-res images that are relevant to your message.
  • Icons: Simple, clean icons can add a modern touch to your slides without cluttering them.
  • Graphs and charts: If you’ve got data to show, don’t just throw in a basic Excel chart. Take a few extra minutes to make it look good. Use a tool like Canva or PowerPoint's design features to make your data pop.


Real-life example: Imagine you’re presenting quarterly results. Instead of using the same boring pie chart, try a custom graphic. Make sure it’s clear, bold, and easy to understand. The visuals should do most of the talking.


When you have great visuals, people stop zoning out and start paying attention.


2. Stick to a Consistent Color Scheme

One of the easiest ways to make your slides look polished is by using a consistent color scheme.


Why does color matter?


  • Colors can set the tone and mood for your presentation.
  • They also help guide your audience’s focus.


What’s the trick?


  • Choose two to three main colors and stick with them.
  • Use contrasting colors for text and background to keep things legible.
  • Avoid neon or overly bright colors — they can be distracting and hard on the eyes.


If you’re not sure what colors to pick, look up a color palette generator. Coolors or Adobe Color are lifesavers for this. 

Pro tip: Stick with the colors in your company’s branding (if you have them). That way, everything feels cohesive and intentional.


3. Keep Text Minimal (Nobody Wants to Read Your Slides)

Nothing kills a presentation faster than a wall of text. Your slides are there to support your speech, not replace it.


Here’s a simple rule: Less text, more visuals.


How to do it:


  • Keep bullet points to a minimum. Three to five per slide max.
  • Stick to one big idea per slide. Don’t try to cram everything in.
  • Use keywords or short phrases, not paragraphs. Your audience should be able to glance at your slide and know what it’s about.


Story time: I once watched a presentation where the speaker put their entire script on the slides. They might as well have handed out a book! People just tuned out. Don’t be that person. Your slides should be the highlight reel, not the whole movie.


4. Use Large, Easy-to-Read Fonts

Ever been in the back of a room squinting to read the tiny text on a slide?


Yeah, no one enjoys that.


Font size matters. Here’s the rule: If it’s not readable from the back row, it’s too small. Aim for at least 24-point font for body text and 36-point for headlines.


What else to know about fonts:


  • Stick to simple, sans-serif fonts like Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri. Fancy fonts might look cool, but they’re harder to read.
  • Keep it consistent. Don’t switch between more than two fonts. One for headlines and one for body text is all you need.


When your text is big and clear, your audience stays engaged.


5. Don’t Forget White Space (A.K.A. Breathing Room)

White space — or negative space — is the unsung hero of design. It’s the empty areas around your text and visuals.


Think of white space as a way to give your content some breathing room. It makes your slides feel less cluttered and easier to follow.


How to add more white space:


  • Spread out your elements. Don’t try to fill every inch of the slide.
  • Use padding between images, text, and icons.
  • Give your title some space to shine. Don’t crowd it with a bunch of extra stuff.


It’s like cleaning up a messy room. The less clutter there is, the easier it is to focus on what’s important.


Bonus tip: Not every slide has to be jam-packed. Some of the most effective slides are the ones with just a single image or a few words.



1. How can I keep my PowerPoint design looking professional?


Stick to a consistent color scheme, use high-quality visuals, and keep text minimal. These simple tricks will make your presentation look polished without overcomplicating things.


2. What font size should I use for my PowerPoint slides?


Aim for at least 24-point font for body text and 36-point for headlines. This ensures your text is easy to read, even from the back of the room.


3. How many bullet points should I use on a slide?


Keep it to three to five bullet points max. Any more than that, and your audience might lose focus.


4. How can I make data more engaging in PowerPoint?


Use custom graphs and charts, and avoid basic templates. Visual tools like Canva or PowerPoint’s design features can help you make your data pop.


5. Should I use animations in my presentation?


Animations can be helpful when used sparingly, but don’t overdo it. Too many effects can distract from your message. Keep it simple and relevant.


Final Thoughts

Making your PowerPoint stand out doesn’t mean you need to become a design expert. By following these five simple hacks — using high-quality visuals, consistent colors, minimal text, big fonts, and white space — you’ll instantly make your slides more engaging.


Next time you fire up PowerPoint, give these tips a try. You’ll be surprised at how much difference a few tweaks can make.


Let’s be real — the goal here isn’t to create award-winning slides. It’s to keep your audience’s attention and get your point across. And these hacks? They’ll do just that.

Based on our experience of more than 15 years as a professional PowerPoint design agency, with the purpose of helping business entrepreneu...

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Creating a powerful PowerPoint presentation that engages, educates, and inspires isn't just about collating data and facts.


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The Management of BitWise assigned me the design of their Company PowerPoint Presentation, which purpose was to demonstrate their unique solution for CTOs, helping them retain their humanity so they don’t get lost in the world of machines. The features of their solution eliminate the database-related emergencies, giving CTOs the space to think, not just react.

The Management of Zensa, a Microsoft 360 partner, assigned me the design of their company PowerPoint pitch deck, which purpose is to demonst...

The Management of Zensa, a Microsoft 360 partner, assigned me the design of their company PowerPoint pitch deck, which purpose is to demonstrate their technology solutions for enterprises.

The Management of Swift Clinics, an Ontario based mobile vaccination centers, assigned me the design of their PowerPoint company pitch deck,...

Healthcare Company PowerPoint Pitch Deck in creating awareness about infectious disease prevention and digitizes travel health advice.

The Management of Swift Clinics, an Ontario based mobile vaccination centers, assigned me the design of their PowerPoint company pitch deck, which purpose is to  show their solutions in creating awareness about infectious disease prevention, digitizes travel health advice, and disrupts an industry with poor client experience.

The management of Reverb, a Seattle-based consulting company focused on people operations and culture building, assigned me the design of th...

The management of Reverb, a Seattle-based consulting company focused on people operations and culture building, assigned me the design of their training PowerPoint presentation for a Resume and Cover Letter Workshop.

The management of Enforcable assigned me as a freelance PowerPoint presentation designer the design of their investor pitch deck, which purp...

PowerPoint investor pitch deck showing the advantages of unique platform for NFT verification and author rights protection.

The management of Enforcable assigned me as a freelance PowerPoint presentation designer the design of their investor pitch deck, which purpose was to demonstrate the advantages of their unique platform for NFT verification and author rights protection.

The Management of Tradaill, a technology company that aims to make port logistics & intermodal transportation more efficient, assigned ...

Port technology PowerPoint pitch deck that aims to make port logistics & intermodal transportation more efficient via app for conntainer management .

The Management of Tradaill, a technology company that aims to make port logistics & intermodal transportation more efficient, assigned me the design of their investor pitch deck, which purpose was to demonstrate the features of their app for container stacking and picking up.

The Management of Readynez, a Scandinavian leader in the corporate training, assigned me the design of the their sales PowerPoint presentati...

Sales PowerPoint presentation showing the rich functionality of a training platform for corporate teams in the field of digital transformation.

The Management of Readynez, a Scandinavian leader in the corporate training, assigned me the design of the their sales PowerPoint presentation, which purpose was to demonstrate the rich functionality of their R365 training platform and their approach by the preparation of corporate teams and individuals for the digital transformation, stacking them with the necessary skills.

The management of TRUVS, a full stack technology company, partner of Microsoft, assigned me the design of their sales PowerPoint presentatio...

Sales PowerPoint presentation, which purpose is to demonstrate their services in the field of Oracle to PostgreSQL and application migration.

The management of TRUVS, a full stack technology company, partner of Microsoft, assigned me the design of their sales PowerPoint presentation, which purpose is to demonstrate their services in the field of Oracle to PostgreSQL and application migration.

The management of ITED assigned me the design of their marketing PowerPoint presentation, which purpose is to present their portfolio of tec...

Marketing PowerPoint presentation for PropTech company that facilitates the project execution by bringing value with BIM & ICT in the construction.

The management of ITED assigned me the design of their marketing PowerPoint presentation, which purpose is to present their portfolio of technology services, facilitating the project execution by bringing value with BIM & ICT in the construction and real estate sectors.